Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Easter Preparations

We're coming to the end of this long journey of preparation to Easter Sunday. Members are inviting friends and neighbors, people are bringing candy and eggs, staff is running around to get everything in its place, and the teachers are preparing their lessons to teach. Even though we have done all of this and worked very hard to plan a GREAT day...we still need Christ!
Please pray that the message will speak to every one's heart and that souls will be saved. See ya Sunday!

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Lord's Supper

Tonight is when our church remembers Christ death, burial, and resurrection. This is a special service the we have each year during the Easter season. It is a service that is dedicated only for the purpose of this local church and for the benefit of it's people.
With lights dimmed low we meditate in prayer of the sacrifice that was given on our behalf. As we all partake of the bread and drink of the cup in solemn communion with reflection of God's grace and mercy to sinners such as we please remember never to take for granted Christ's payment for our sins.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Easter Season

PRAISE THE LORD for such a wonderful day we had in church Sunday! The attendance was down, but the Spirit moved in the hearts of our people. I believe with the Lord's Supper this Tuesday and with the preparations in place our Easter Service is going to be a day to remember. Please pray earnestly for souls to be saved and for hearts to be touched by the preaching and singing of the gospel message. Love ya church!