Thursday, September 30, 2010

Country Harvest Days

This Sunday begins a Five (5) Week Fall Campaign at Tabernacle Baptist Church and we are expecting God to do great things in the lives of our people as well as the many visitors that are expected to attend.

Our first big day is on October 3 and it is our Open House Sunday. We will be opening our doors to the community for them to see the many things God is doing at our church. There will be reception in the fellowship hall following the morning service with many displays for everyone to see.

October 10 is Harvest Sunday. This is the time when our people dress up as old fashioned or western. We will have a contest and prizes for the best dressed. This is always a great time for fun and fellowship. Dr. Charles Trull will be our guest preacher for the morning service.

Missions Sunday is October 17 with Vladimer Lukyenov from Russia as our guest missionary. The emphasis will be placed on world out-reach as well as our community witness.

Saturday, October 23 is our Family Fall Festival and a concert by Witness! from HBBC. We're expecting over a 1,000 kids attending with games, rides, prizes, lots & lots of candy and food for everyone.

The next day is FRIEND DAY Sunday, October 24. Witness! again will be our guest singers for the day and all the kids will be eating a 500FT. Banana Split right after the morning service. It going to be GREAT!

We end the month with Pumpkin Pie & Coffee Sunday October 31. This is a time when all the ladies make or buy their favorite pie and there is a contest with prizes given away for the best one. This is a relaxing time of fellowship for all beginning at 10AM.

It will be a busy month for sure, but blessings from God don't come without alittle effort on our part. Invite your friends and let us all pray for souls to be saved and lives to be changed as we serve the Lord.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Looking Ahead

As pastor I am always reflecting on where we have come from as a church and where we are going as a ministry. God has been leading me to direct our church to make a bigger impact on our community than ever before. I am praying for His will in this matter! As with Nehemiah, he realized the need, he prayed because of that need, he was burdened for the need, and he submitted to the need. That is my desire for Tabernacle...submission to the need God has placed on our hearts to reach Altus for Christ. There will always be those who doubt the call, those who dare to deny the will of God, and those who will try to destroy the purpose of the church for selfish gain or for sinful ways, but God is in control! The next few months are very important to the direction of our church. We desire the blessings of God and the unity of the spirit as we seek God's will for us in ministry. Keep praying, begin planning, and always watching for the opportunity to make an impact on the life of a needy sinner or a seeking saint. I'm looking ahead for greater blessings for Tabernacle Baptist Church and desiring its people find God's will in ministry and in life.

Friday, February 05, 2010

God's Grace In Stormy Weather

It has been just over a week since the terrible ice storm hit our town of Altus. There are still thousands of homes without power and the aftermath of clean-up and fixing-up is under way. Many people have lost alot during this storm. Some have lost income through not being able to work and others through added expenses such as buying survival supplies and equipment to help make this time bearable.
The area towns have lost millions of dollars in revenue and with the expense of paying employees over-time to get the city back on it's feet. I commend the workers who are laboring around the clock trying to provide services and the employees of stores who opened up by generator power when they had none at home.
Can I say a good hearty THANK YOU to the workers of Altus!!! PRAISE THE LORD for you ALL!!
I write this at a time when I myself still have no power at home. We are still sleeping in the family room by the fireplace, we are still walking about with flashlight in hand, we are still eating, at times, half warmed food, we are still making every day trips for supplies and needed items and to top it all off, we are expecting bad weather in the next few days to compound the problem.
PTL for God's marvelous and wonderful GRACE! Without would be tough. Without would be rough. Without would be...well, you get the jest of it. Last Sunday we had a morning service with no lights or heat, man was that a wonderful time in the Lord. Wednesday night we had an informal service and fellowship as the lights came on that day. This was a last minute call for everyone to come if they could and it turned out to be such a blessing with some not leaving until around 11PM. GREAT time with God's people!
Our 2010 Church Theme is "Guided By Grace" WOW! What an object lesson!! Tabernacle knows what it is to have been and still be giuded by the grace of God through a time of stormy weather. God is Good and God knows best for His people. I thank the Lord for my salvation and for the lessons He teaches us. I am also thankful for the membership of Tabernacle and their spirit of cooperation and care for each other and for their devotion for God.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Youth Night

Every month we have a special service when the youth minister to our church in serving the Lord.  The Cactus Kids sing and quote scripture they have learned in Character First Bible Class that month. What a blessing they are and how cute they look in their western outfits!
 Each month we have our teens give testimonies and teach object lessons that touch the hearts of everyone who hears. Our kids sing specials, play instruments for the offering, and the Champions Teen Choir participates by blessing us through song. We have 2 young teens who preach 5-8 minutes each and 1 young adult who preaches about 15 minutes.
There has not been a month that has gone by that my heart was not touched, challenged, or may I say...convicted! I am PROUD of our kids and they're desire to serve God in ministry!! Tabernacle's focus for our teens is the reproducing of ministers for the gospel of Christ. Part-time or full-time that is up to God, but some-time, that is up to our church.
Our youth today are struggling and their leaders seem to be waivering. I receive phone calls and e-mails from those who serve youth (very important) and they're searching for answers, but looking in wrong places. They think that being funny is enough...they think that being talented is sufficient...they think that being educated is adequate. LOVE & PASSION for ministry are the tools for success!! Teach the kids to love God and show them your passion for ministry!! Paul Chappell says this alot, "Vision is better Caught than Taught!"
Youth Night helps to do just that...Our teens work very hard in preparing and practicing to ministrer to the church every month. We teach them to take pride in serving God! To give God their BEST! This has developed into a better love for God and a stronger passion for ministry.
Tonight is Youth Night...Come and be Blessed!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

This is a test. For the next 60

2010 and Technology

I'm learning a little more about how to use blogs, facebook, blackberrys, and more. I'm still a work in progress, but I'm getting there. Hopefully you be hearing from me more often when the new offices are completed and I get a handle on all this techno stuff. God Bless!