Friday, February 05, 2010

God's Grace In Stormy Weather

It has been just over a week since the terrible ice storm hit our town of Altus. There are still thousands of homes without power and the aftermath of clean-up and fixing-up is under way. Many people have lost alot during this storm. Some have lost income through not being able to work and others through added expenses such as buying survival supplies and equipment to help make this time bearable.
The area towns have lost millions of dollars in revenue and with the expense of paying employees over-time to get the city back on it's feet. I commend the workers who are laboring around the clock trying to provide services and the employees of stores who opened up by generator power when they had none at home.
Can I say a good hearty THANK YOU to the workers of Altus!!! PRAISE THE LORD for you ALL!!
I write this at a time when I myself still have no power at home. We are still sleeping in the family room by the fireplace, we are still walking about with flashlight in hand, we are still eating, at times, half warmed food, we are still making every day trips for supplies and needed items and to top it all off, we are expecting bad weather in the next few days to compound the problem.
PTL for God's marvelous and wonderful GRACE! Without would be tough. Without would be rough. Without would be...well, you get the jest of it. Last Sunday we had a morning service with no lights or heat, man was that a wonderful time in the Lord. Wednesday night we had an informal service and fellowship as the lights came on that day. This was a last minute call for everyone to come if they could and it turned out to be such a blessing with some not leaving until around 11PM. GREAT time with God's people!
Our 2010 Church Theme is "Guided By Grace" WOW! What an object lesson!! Tabernacle knows what it is to have been and still be giuded by the grace of God through a time of stormy weather. God is Good and God knows best for His people. I thank the Lord for my salvation and for the lessons He teaches us. I am also thankful for the membership of Tabernacle and their spirit of cooperation and care for each other and for their devotion for God.