Monday, August 16, 2010

Looking Ahead

As pastor I am always reflecting on where we have come from as a church and where we are going as a ministry. God has been leading me to direct our church to make a bigger impact on our community than ever before. I am praying for His will in this matter! As with Nehemiah, he realized the need, he prayed because of that need, he was burdened for the need, and he submitted to the need. That is my desire for Tabernacle...submission to the need God has placed on our hearts to reach Altus for Christ. There will always be those who doubt the call, those who dare to deny the will of God, and those who will try to destroy the purpose of the church for selfish gain or for sinful ways, but God is in control! The next few months are very important to the direction of our church. We desire the blessings of God and the unity of the spirit as we seek God's will for us in ministry. Keep praying, begin planning, and always watching for the opportunity to make an impact on the life of a needy sinner or a seeking saint. I'm looking ahead for greater blessings for Tabernacle Baptist Church and desiring its people find God's will in ministry and in life.