Thursday, March 19, 2009

What a Wonderful Church!

My wife has a birthday today. She is ___ years old or should I say, "That she looks younger than she really is."lol Some of the ladies of the church surprised her with a special lunch at her favorite Altus restaurant, the "Grape Vine Cafe." They even brought me back some lunch in which I am very grateful. Kim had a wonderful time and she was very appreciative and humbled by the act of kindness on the part of the ladies. A special thank you goes out to Anna Johnson for ramrodding (I hope thats how you spell it) the event.

I am also blessed by the love and appreciation of the people in the church. This morning I read and entry from one of our teenagers on our church's facebook page asking members to write a "thank you" note to this non-deserving pastor. It wouldn't matter if anyone wrote anything or not. It is gratifying enough to know that a teenager in today's mind-set would even stop and consider his preacher. That's enough appreciation for me! (Love Ya Daniel!)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Learning the Web

When trying to reach the world with the gospel of Christ I sometimes feel inadiquate. Especially in the area of communicating on the Web. This is a tool that so many people emphasize the negative (for good reason!) We must always be careful in how we use tools for God and not fall into the traps of Satan.
So many people use the web that I, as an individual, could never reach on my own, but with this tool I can present the gospel to others all around the world. I'm beginning to understand the potential the web can have concerning the presentation of Christ to a lost and dying world.

Your servant,
Pastor Hawn

Monday, March 16, 2009

Tabernacle Baptist Church

The new age of technology is hear and it is dragging me kicking and screaming all the way. I don't understand half of what I'm doing, but I'm having fun learning.