Thursday, March 19, 2009

What a Wonderful Church!

My wife has a birthday today. She is ___ years old or should I say, "That she looks younger than she really is."lol Some of the ladies of the church surprised her with a special lunch at her favorite Altus restaurant, the "Grape Vine Cafe." They even brought me back some lunch in which I am very grateful. Kim had a wonderful time and she was very appreciative and humbled by the act of kindness on the part of the ladies. A special thank you goes out to Anna Johnson for ramrodding (I hope thats how you spell it) the event.

I am also blessed by the love and appreciation of the people in the church. This morning I read and entry from one of our teenagers on our church's facebook page asking members to write a "thank you" note to this non-deserving pastor. It wouldn't matter if anyone wrote anything or not. It is gratifying enough to know that a teenager in today's mind-set would even stop and consider his preacher. That's enough appreciation for me! (Love Ya Daniel!)

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