Thursday, May 28, 2009

Summer Preparations

June is about to arrive and that means summer begins! June will be construction and remodeling month. We will have two church work days Thursday-Friday, June 4-5 with two shifts each day. 9AM-4PM and 6PM-9PM. We will be prearing the fellowship hall, kitchen, and the Spanish Auditorium for remodel beginning Monday, June 8. This hopefully will only take 10 days to complete from new walls and ceiling, paint, lights, and ceiling fans. In the spanish room there will be also new carpet as well as in the kitchen new flooring.
As soon as possible following the completion of phase 1 we will begin phase 2 which is the hallways and foyer areas with new paint, new ceiling texture, and lighting.
This should be completed by the end of June.
July is Youth month! A church-wide effort in directing youth camp for about 300 kids. With the church working together I believe we will see souls saved and teens give their lives to Christ.
In August we'll start back with phase 3 which deals with the outside of our property. More details will be forthcoming soon.
Be in much prayer for the journey ahead!

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