Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Upcoming Events

So far this fall we've had September Ministry Involvement Month and Banquet where our new members were introduced to the various ministries available to them to serve in as well as an opportunity for others to get more involved in ministry that they hadn't previously.
This was a great success and I am pleased for the servant-like spirit our people show in ministry for God.
The month of October is Country Harvest Days with special Sundays planned each of the 5 weeks. Some are focused on visitors and others on christian fellowship.
Week 1 was Open House Sunday and church reception following the morning service. Many visitors were present and a opportunity to witness for Christ with souls and and 1 baptized.
Week 2 was Harvest Sunday with many visitors. This was a wonderful time of decorations with dressing up and fellowship. Also, a fun way of bringing excitement to the church service.
This Sunday is Week 3; Missions Sunday. We have invited a missionary who has been called to the field of India. Be in prayer for him and his family as they minister to us and share his burden of the call.
Week 4 is the BIG weekend! Saturday, October 22 from 3-5PM is our Family Fall Festival!! This is when hundreds of children and their families are invited for an afternoon of FUN, FOOD, and FELLOWSHIP with games, prizes, and give-a-ways. Best of all...its FREE. This is a GREAT opportunity to meet the families of our community and introduce them to a church that loves them and desires for them to know Christ. While the activities are going on teams of soul winners are canvessing the crowd of adult prospects and sharing the gospel with them...souls are saved! PTL!!
The next day Sunday the 23rd is Friend Day with Glorybound Quartet from HBBC in OKC. They are with us all day with a concert that night at 6PM. PRAY for this most important weekend that God would bless the efforts of His people to witness for Christ and minister to the people of our community.
The last Sunday; Week 5 is Pumpkin Pie Sunday. This is a relaxing Sunday of good eating and great fellowship around our pumpkin pie contest and God's Word.
Join us why don't ya for one or all of these events. You'll be glad you did.   

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Proclaiming The Truth

Proclaiming The Truth has been our church theme for 2011 and I am proud to say our people have taken hold of this truth through their desire to know God's Word and their passion to share God's Love. I have seen many miracles in the lives of our church members and answers to prayer.
We have been looking at the book of John all year and preaching it's content in context to the proclamation of the truth found in it. This sermon series has made a profound impact on this preacher as well as on a large part of our congregation.
Souls are being saved and baptized, lives are growing in grace, and disciples are being taught the foundamentals of the faith as we proclaim the gospel of Christ.
As we enter the fall season many special Sundays are planned to reach our community with the good news that Jesus Saves. Last Sunday was Open House Sunday and praise the Lord for 6 saved and one baptized with vmany visitors present. This Sunday is Harvest Sunday and we're looking forward to a great time of dressing up old fashioned and western...YeeHaw!
Be praying for our Annual Family Fall Festival Saturday, October 22nd from 3-5PM. This is a wonderful opportunity to reach out to our community with the gospel by providing a time of family fun and fellowship.
Missions Sunday is October 16 with a guest missionary to India and Sunday, October 30th is Pumpkin Pie Sunday. I'm looking forward to both these Sundays in the life of our church.