Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Proclaiming The Truth

Proclaiming The Truth has been our church theme for 2011 and I am proud to say our people have taken hold of this truth through their desire to know God's Word and their passion to share God's Love. I have seen many miracles in the lives of our church members and answers to prayer.
We have been looking at the book of John all year and preaching it's content in context to the proclamation of the truth found in it. This sermon series has made a profound impact on this preacher as well as on a large part of our congregation.
Souls are being saved and baptized, lives are growing in grace, and disciples are being taught the foundamentals of the faith as we proclaim the gospel of Christ.
As we enter the fall season many special Sundays are planned to reach our community with the good news that Jesus Saves. Last Sunday was Open House Sunday and praise the Lord for 6 saved and one baptized with vmany visitors present. This Sunday is Harvest Sunday and we're looking forward to a great time of dressing up old fashioned and western...YeeHaw!
Be praying for our Annual Family Fall Festival Saturday, October 22nd from 3-5PM. This is a wonderful opportunity to reach out to our community with the gospel by providing a time of family fun and fellowship.
Missions Sunday is October 16 with a guest missionary to India and Sunday, October 30th is Pumpkin Pie Sunday. I'm looking forward to both these Sundays in the life of our church. 

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